Percy Island Conservation Group Inc. ABN:65340254392
Bendigo Bank Account available for Donation and Gifts
Registered with Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission on 11/10/2024
Thank You for helping us keep Middle Percy Island viable for all the general public to experience a little piece of Australian history from a bygone era and the serenity of this unique Island. Background information is that Percy Is. has been managed privately, in order to continue the cruising traditions and protect this unique Island environment, conservation values and sustainable pioneering heritage traditions, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Literally the Island runs on honey-money and memberships, to cover the management costs and insurance fees. The integral ingredient is the generosity and selflessness of volunteers and residents managing the Island by donating their time, expertise and finances to run the Island for the community. Between you, me and the bees, the tradition of Percy Island can continue.
The Not-For-Profit Association Percy Island Conservation Group Inc. has been created to ensure the future integrity of the Island, as we all love it. The alternative became very close of the Department, finding a commercial Eco-Resort in Feb. 2024 after years of instability and poor income. Cate and John left the Island due to exhaustion of both energy and finances by September 2019, after 13 years of upgrading and saving the Island after Andy Martin inadvertently lost the Island to a trickster in 2001-2008.
To enable sustainable management, it cannot be accomplished by a single individual in this day and age. Therefore, Cate Radclyffe reached out to friends of Percy Island to form a Not-for-profit Association, that could become the Grantee of the Island. The Group is looking for more skilled residents, full or part-time to help manage all the multi-faceted aspects of Island life. The Queensland Parks Wildlife Service based in Ailie Beach is our local Authority.
Established 1874, Percy Island is well known by seafarers for it’s hospitality, tradition and history. Seafarers look forward to meeting up at the Percy Island Yacht Club, otherwise known as the A-frame, where people meet to share a story or two, and cook a meal on the custom-built open fireplace and BBQ area.
Percy is also known for its little rangeland managed colonial goats, that were first bought to the island in 1874 to provide food for ship-wrecked sailors. The goats are an integral part of Percy’s history and today, with the island custodians continuing the tradition of preparing a goat curry to share at the A-frame.
Distinctive DNA have proved these historic goats to be unique only Middle Percy Island, with their interesting story and recognition on the Internet; Colonial Percy Island goats
Percy’s rich and adventurous history continues to attract people from around the world. At the A-frame located at West Bay, Middle Percy Island, seafarers frequent the yacht club and purchase Organic Percy Island Honey and Memberships which relies upon each visitor paying at the honesty box using the honor system or contacting the island caretakers to meet at the Percy Homestead, VHF Channel 73 or contact us.
Alternatively, payment can be made online after picking up your honey or completing the membership form, some prefer to simply make a donation which is always appreciated.

Percy Island Conservation Group Inc. is run by a group of volunteers.
Passionate about the environment and Percy’s history, the Island volunteer custodians must manage the island and the Homestead by being pro-active to live self-sufficiently on this remote Island. Other than Island resources, the materials and equipment required for projects and jobs come from the mainland via private boats, such as the solar system for energy.
It is vital to harvest rainwater for drinking, bathing and cleaning as well as watering the vegetable garden and providing water for the animals. The residents provide their own transport to and from the island to bring all of the supplies (food, fuel, equipment, materials) needed to live off grid for around 6 months. At present the residents pay for their own supplies to support their living on the Island as well as paying for the communications systems.
The resident volunteers are continuously busy with daily chores to allow them to live off-grid, including farm life that consists of an orchard, vegetable garden, coconut trees, 28 beehives with approximately 2 million bees, bottling and stocking the Honey, growing and processing food supplies, clearing bush tracks, collecting rubbish that drifts ashore, and regularly walking the bush tracks to ensure they are clearly marked for bush walkers.
Managment of the Island is surprisingly busy, so volunteers are always welcome, every little bit helps!
During this time, the generosity of the seafarers greatly helps the volunteers to thrive. Thank You to each and every one of the thousands of cruisers who has visited Percy Island, and have volunteered, donated or helped in any way, or generously left supplies or traded for Percy’s liquid gold, Organic Honey.
Thank You!!!